[simplemasonrygallery width=300 margin=1 padding=2]
- My kitty <3
- I’ve got grandma hands
- #wip clock
- Studio snapshot
- My two ladies
- Horse at the academy
- #wip portrait
- Detail of Hunter’s portrait
- Size: 73x60cm | Material: Oil on linen
- Evening with Nicolas
- Finished portrait
- Progress snapshots
- Studio
- Sweden
- My sanctuary
- Thailand Monastery
- Montserrat
- Size: 18x10cm | Material: Oil on paper
- Painting Austrian mountains
- Note to self
- The academic process: quick study, drawing, transfer and final painting
- The studio ft. Nicolas Cage
- Size: 50x40cm | Material: Oil on linen
- First oil painting EVER
- Size: 107x46cm | Material: Charcoal on paper
- Size: 40x55cm | Material: Charcoal and white chalk on paper
- Quick oil paint sketches
- Transferring the drawing
- Size: 98x46cm | Material: Charcoal on paper
- Random corner in the studio
- Studio
- Size: 50x50cm | Material: Oil on linen
- Ecorché – adding the first muscles
- Working on the long pose Dec ’15
- Working on the long pose Dec ’15
- Ecorché sculpture
- My bedroom in Barcelona
- Secret portrait drawing
- 2-hour portrait
- Expressive drawing
- Expressive drawing
- The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa
- 5 weeks of work
- Cast drawing
- Fresh on the easel
- Back in Europe
- Luscious coconut, Bali ’15
- Waterfall dreams
- Waterfall dreams
- Waterfall dreams
- Walking through the rice fields
- Taking a nap in the rice fields of Bali
- My new friends <3
- Tropico
- On top of the world
- On top of Mount Rinjani, Lombok 3726m
- Left the painting by the side of the lake
- Quick landscape sketch on my way to Lombok
- A little Venus haha
- Woodcarving
- Batik painting
- Batik painting
- Painting in the rice fields of Bali
- Painting in the rice fields of Bali
- Painting in Bali, August ’15
- Painting in Bali, August ’15
- Drawing dad
- Finishing up the CC series
- Doing some touch-ups
- Two Goddesses
- Drawing session with mom in the garden <3
- All assembled landscape paintings from 1 weekend
- 4-hour landscape
- Landscape painting
- Landscape painting weekend, Girona, Spain
- My little room in my little town where life is easy and I follow my flow.
- This is my world
- Painting in Parc de la Ciutadella
- Painting in Parc de la Ciutadella
- Hand studies
- In La Sagrada Familia
- Love wearing white
- Le Petit Prince
- Good vibes
- Backstage in a wedding dress of Kaat Tilley
- Meditating on a rock, Portugal 2014
- Sketchbook
- In my lovely home in Belgium
- Relaxation
- Dancing is my second name
- Love selfie?
- Details
- Live painting at Art Fair in Ghent
- Live painting at Art Fair in Ghent
- Prepping a panel
- My big fat Portugal sketchbook
- Some male company while working
- My big fat Portugal sketchbook
- My big fat Portugal sketchbook
- Tree of life
- Temporary tattoo
- Sketchbook
- Mighty sun
- Thank you-note for our driver
- Out on a trip
- Fresh as a flower
- Thank you-note for our driver
- Hitching
- Got me some helpers
- Got me some helpers
- Break time
- Working under this ravishing sky
- Continuation of Ayahuasca wisdom
- Sound circle meditation
- @ Permaculture community
- My feet where they belong
- @ Permaculture community
- Radical Haircut
- Radical Haircut
- Sketchbook
- Sketchbook
- Sketchbook
- Fresh flowers in sketchbook
- Ayahuasca wisdom
- Portugal summer 2013
- Lalalaaaa
- Canvas prepping with kids
- Canvas prepping (on the back side of an old carpet)
- Canvas prepping (on the back side of an old carpet)
- Canvas prepping (on the back side of an old carpet)
- Nature heals
- Preparing canvas for big painting
- Off to Portugal for a month to clear my mind
- Ready for Portugal
- Sketchbook
- Standing on sketchbook to get it flat
- Standing on sketchbook to get it flat
- Sketchbooking, my favourite activity of allllll
- Sculpture model
- Modeled for a sculpture class for one weekend
- Love those moments when I don’t sleep and I can see the sun coming up
- June 2013 – sketchbook
- Customized notebook, awe-yeah.
- Architecture drawings
- Hairhairhairhair
- Yoga/just kidding/stretching/whatever man
- Feminine shapes
- I used to think I’d become a writer
- Café sketch
- My hand at 6 in the morning high-fiving the Maas river
- Café sketch
- I love Chinese brushes
- Sketchbooking
- Blob
- Making art is a neverending process
- Surface experiments
- Sketch/diary
- All the things you can do with long hair <3
- All the things you can do with long hair <3
- All the things you can do with long hair <3
- Buns and stockings
- Start for a painting
- Chillest cat on the planet
- Jean-Paul Gaultier inspired
- Coffee bar sketching
- Ready for exposition!
- Selling my work at the Swanmarket April 2013
- First business cards!
- Work for admission to the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam
- Easel jokes
- With “Sultan’s Gift”
- Working on Sultan’s Gift
- Working on Sultan’s Gift
- Note to self
- Signing my first prints
- Inside my chaos, I’m the queen.
- At home
- Bordeaux is the most beautiful colour in the world
- Start of something new
- Late night work
- Birthday present for a friend
- Late night scenarios
- Working
- Working
- Working
- Working
- Working
- Working
- Working
- Working
- Commission for a kitchen wall
- Treurkoppen
- “Acid Faces” – detail
- “Acid Faces” – Feb 2013
- Acid Faces in my student dorm
- Acid Faces – mere beginning
- “Daydream in Coffeehouse” detail
- Daydream in Coffeehouse framed
- Traveling with Daydream in Coffeehouse
- “The Queen” in progress – Jan 2013
- “Queen” pre-sketch
- “Queen” pre-sketch
- Train sketches
- In other realms
- January 2013 projects
- Daydream growing
- Drawing circles for hours on end
- Hmph…
- Bathing my lady in coffee
- Setting is important
- Good book
- December 2012
- Sketching goes better with cats around
- Bath selfies bahaha
- Aliens
- Line drawings
- God, I was a happy person during that time
- Perfect curl
- Sketches of a friend
- Sketching on beer pads
- Sketching on beer pads
- Sketches of a friend
- Sketches during Business school
- Sketches during Business school
- Sketches during Business school
- Sketches during Business school
- Mini-studio
- Forest nymph
- In the fields! <3
- Sketches during Business school
- Sketches during Business school
- Sketches during Business school
- Sketches during Business school
- June 2012
- May 2012
- Sketchbook 2012
- Doodle in my agenda
- Doodle in my agenda
- My bony hands
- Bored…
- Tea bags Tea bags Tea bags
- Tea bags Tea bags Tea bags
- High school work
- High school work
- First oil painting ever made
- Photoshoot 2007
- Photoshoot 2007
- Photoshoot 2007
- Photoshoot 2007
- Photoshoot 2007
- Photoshoot 2007
- Photoshoot 2007
- Photoshoot 2007
- Photoshoot 2007